The idea of the Baraque Winery originated during an all-inclusive stay in Egypt. At one point, we watched in amazement as the bar staff “made” rosé wine by blending crappy whites with even worse reds. We wondered if we were the only ones among the hotel visitors who were taken aback by this. How grateful we were for the four “sevens” of our own wine that fit within the weight limit!
With our marriage bringing together two winemaking families, the idea of starting our own winery was only a step away. At that point in our honeymoon, we agreed that it didn’t matter if one understood wine or not – everyone should drink good wine. After all, wine is not just alcohol, wine is a lifestyle.

Wine is also a companion. Following the example of the great Karel Čapek, we characterize it as a personality.
“It would please me if I could taste wines of a balanced and resigned nature. I would go to a wine bar and say: “Garçon, I should like a wine – how shall I put it? – a wine rather serious, no youthful scamp or swaggerer, but a wine mature and experienced, and yet, you know, full of faith, optimism and courage, a wine that knows art, is well-read and has seen the world, a wine with a sort of tragedy, like Beethoven’s Adagio, but also a bit of benevolence and a little smile.”
Yes, a love of wine is undoubtedly a character trait, as is a positive attitude to life or faith in people. If you want to live your life and not just let events happen to you, if you work with enthusiasm and passion but still manage to pamper yourself in your free time, then wine is certainly your lifestyle, too.
We trust that you will find in our wine just what you are looking for – relaxation, inspiration, a feeling of pleasant luxury or that proverbial truth. We put the best of ourselves into it.